Birding at Taman Rimba Ampang

A fantastic day for bird watching in Taman Rimba Ampang, KL today. Started the watch at 7.30am with Yong Ding Li (and friend), Stephen Boey, Khong, Jan, and (of course, a regular bird photographer) Banard. There was not much of action initially. But as we make our way towards the playground, the birds start to show up and mostly up on the top canopy.

1. Banded Woodpecker  1 Feeding on ants attracted to fruits
2. Crimson-winged Woodpecker
3. Checker-throated Woodpecker
4. Maroon Woodpecker
5. Buff-rumped Woodpecker
6. Gold-whiskered Barbet (heard)
7. BLue-eared Barbet (heard)
8. Brown Barbet (heard)
9. Red-bearded Bee-eater (heard)
10. Blue-throated Bee-eater
11. Blue-banded Kingfisher  1 male seen
12. Rusty-breasted Cuckoo (heard)
13. Violet Cuckoo (heard)
14. Raffle's Malkoha
15. Chestnut-breasted Malkoha  3 in kampong scrub
16. Blue-crowned Hanging-Parrot
17. Glossy Swiftlet
18. Wihskered Treeswift
19. Emerald Dove
20. Crested Serpent Eagle
21. Asian Fairy Bluebird (heard)
22. BLue-winged Leafbird
23. Lesser Green Leafbird
24. Greater Racket-tailed Drongo
25. Black Magpie (heard)
26. Green Iora
27. Lesser Cuckooshrike
28. Bar-winged Flycatcher-shrike
29. Scarlet Minivet
30. Asian Paradise Flycatcher (White morph)
31. White-rumped Shama (heard)
32. Grey-headed Canary-Flycatcher (heard)
33. Rufous-chested Flycatcher 1 seen
34. Oriental Magpie Robin
35. Javan Myna
36. Velvet-fronted Nuthatch
37. Sultan Tit
38. Stripe-throated Bulbul
39. Spectacled Bulbul
40. Red-eyed Bulbul
41. FInsch's Bulbul  3 seen on fruiting macaranga
42. Buff-vented Bulbul
43. Hairy-backed Bulbul (heard)
44. Rufous-tailed Tailorbird
45. Dark-necked Tailorbird
46. Short-tailed Babbler (heard)
47. Black-capped Babbler (heard)
48. Rufous-fronted Babbler (heard)
49. Grey-headed Babbler
50. Striped Tit-Babbler
51. White-bellied Erpornis
52. Crimson-breasted FLowerpecker
53. Yellow-breasted Flowerpecker
54. Ruby-cheeked Sunbird
55. Purple-naped Sunbird
56. Little Spiderhunter
57. Spectacled Spiderhunter  1 seen, on fruiting macaranga busily chasing away other bulbuls and cuckooshrikes
58. Eurasian Tree Sparrow
59. Scaly-breasted Munia  1 carrying nesting materials

Everyone went home with a smile and satisfaction of another good birding day at almost 3pm.

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posted by wengchun @ 5:50 AM, No comment,

The Heronry View from the Opposite Shoreline

This evening, I went for a recee along the opposite shoreline to check out the herons. Actually it is much nearer on the other side yesterday, but here it is more exposed and plenty of actions. Can even get to see the birds reflection when they flew right above the water surface. Nope, I didn't bring along my D70 - only have my digiscoping gear.

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posted by wengchun @ 7:31 AM, No comment,

More Bird Photographers to Putrajaya Wetland

There were 5 bird photographers visited the wetland today. We started the activity early at 8am. However, I expect it to be more fruitful than what we had today. Travelling along the wetland cells does not bring any good bird sightings except for the lesser coucal, changeable hawk-eagle (dark morph), white-headed munia, chestnut munia, pied triller, scaly-breasted munia, blue-tailed bee-eater, blue-throated bee-eater, white-throated kingfisher, baya weaver, pipit, mynas, crows, etc. well, this morning there was not a single purple swamphen sighted. Yes, I also showed them the Putrajaya island heronry where they managed to get some flight shots of the purple heron, grey heron, black-crowned night heron, and little egret. Well, better luck next time.

posted by wengchun @ 8:29 AM, No comment,

Putrajaya's Island Heronry

I went to check on Putrajaya's heronry this morning. During my last visit, I saw a little egret nesting but when I checked on it,there were no little egret sighted. The nest was empty. There were several other nest of Grey Heron, Purple Heron and Black-crowned Night Heron. On one of the nest, there were 2 hatchlings of Purple Heron while another nest with 3 grey herons about to fledge.

Then, there was a bit of action on the top canopy of the island. hey...this is still early to see a cattle egret in Putrajaya. For 4 years in Putrajaya, I have not seen a cattle egret in July. Okay, I am going to check on this heronry in the next few days.

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posted by wengchun @ 7:00 AM, No comment,

A Birder from California

Today, Doug from California visited the wetland with his Malaysian friend. They arrived pretty late - almost 10am. Nevertheless my staff tried her best to show them the birds we have in the park. Doug said that almost any birds in Malaysia is a LIFER. well, I do not know what lifers he got today, but what I heard from my staff, Zuraidah who showed them around, is that they were happy with the short tour. Zuraidah also managed to show them a nightjar - usually seen during the night time. Of course, we will try not to miss the island heronry. As usual, they were purple herons, grey herons, black-crowned night heron and little egret - together with their nests. There were also dozens of Painted Storks around the island heronry.

Well, one thing she forgot is to get Doug's email. So, in case if you are reading this, please go to for more previous bird sightings in the park. You still have my call card right? Just email me.

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posted by wengchun @ 7:36 AM, No comment,

A single little egret in the wetland cell

The usual period when a little egret can be sighted in wetland cell is usually during the migratory season (Sep/Oct - Mar/Apr). However, it happened to be wading in one of the wetland cells of Putrajaya. Could this be the resident / nesting individual from the Putrajaya heronry? well, possible....

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posted by wengchun @ 9:25 AM, No comment,

Birding Along Jln. Sg. Lalang and Sungai Tekala 6 July 2006

today, with a buddy from endemic guide, we venture along the trail in Sungai Tekala from 5.00pm - 6.30pm. Nothing much were identified as the birds were not giving us an easy time except for the hairy-backed bulbul (again?) and banded broadbill.

Earlier in the afternoon I stopped by at the Semenyih Dam and saw 2 soaring Grey-headed Fish Eagle.

After dinner, we went into Putrajaya Wetland for a short tour. I wanted to show him the Barred Eagle Owl and Collared Scops Owl but no luck tonight.

posted by wengchun @ 9:35 AM, No comment,

Common Iora Actively Calling at the Car Park

Common Iora were actively calling at the car park in front of my office. Zuraidah, a birder among my team member, told me she spotted the iora sitting on the nest which was built more than a month ago. Why does the bird come back after a month?

posted by wengchun @ 7:21 AM, No comment,

Flyeater Update 4 July 2006

The family came back to the bamboo and neem tree again today. The first nest has dropped. Now the 2nd nest is almost torn apart. The juvenile is no longer calling the parents for food but still follow the adult wherever they go.

posted by wengchun @ 6:31 AM, No comment,

Flyeater Update 1 July 2006

It was approximately 8.30am when I spotted the family of 3 flyeaters at the neem trees of the car park again near the nesting site. I noticed 1 of them (an adult) actually flew to the bamboo and hovering in front of the 2nd nest. When I compared the 1st and 2nd nest, the former is in better shape than the 2nd nest. Then, 3 of the birds just flew further away from the neem and bamboo.

posted by wengchun @ 7:10 AM, No comment,

Birding 30 June 2006 @ Putrajaya Wetland

It was a tour of the park while looking for birds this morning. This is the 2nd time I brought John and Jas around the wetland park. John wanted to get close to a tree with baya weaver's nests while Jas wanted to see the flyeater and the little bronze cuckoo. They arrived early at 7.30am and we walked towards the wetland cells. Along the way, there were sunbirds actively moving from melaleuca trees to bottle brush trees. On the same location, the common ioras were calling very loud. As we reached the cell, Jas spotted something on the other side of the wetland cell. 7 lesser tree ducks staying motionless. As usual the yellow-bellied prinias can be spotted here with the pied fantail. This is just a short stop just to check out the condition of the cell, and later we moved back to the main car park area. On the way, before reaching the tower, there were 3 rufous woodpeckers and a number of starlings.

During the tour along the wetland cell on vehicle, we managed to see (while John managed to photographed some) blue-throated bee-eater, blue-tailed bee-eater, pipit, white-headed munia, scaly-breasted munia, chestnut munia, olive-backed sunbird, purple heron, baya weaver, and pied triller.

And I also showed them a small island heronry in Putrajaya. The birds that were nesting there includes grey heron, purple heron, black-crowned night heron and little heron.

posted by wengchun @ 7:06 AM, No comment,